Las Velas Houston Wedding with Nair and Ryan
Las Velas Houston Wedding with Nair & Ryan. We had a BLAST photographing this wedding at Las Velas. We were looking forward to working at this venue. We have done several bridal session here but never a wedding. The best part was that the bride and groom went all out on everything. They had a stunning wedding in an awesome location but they add some things that we had never seen before. First, they had an Michael Jackson impersonator (Danny Dash) do a show for them. This was awesome and he was a very good performer. After that, around midnight, the entire place transformed into what is called “A Hora Loca” or The Crazy Hour. Everyone brought out masks, feather boas and other fun stuff and the DJ (Javier from LG Entertainment) kicked it into high gear and the party soared to an even higher level. This was non stop fun and we ended up with a ton of awesome pictures. They only blip on the evening was the rain storm that hit. It was huge but it cleared up late in the evening and we were able to go outside and get some stunning shots of the venue with the antique car, a 1965 Rolls Royce from Jordan Limousines. All in all it was an extraordinary wedding and we really look forward to working at Las Velas Houston soon.
Las Velas Houston Wedding Images
Caffrey’s Photography, A Houston Wedding Photographer
Contact us to see how Caffreys Photography can help make your dream wedding come true.
Venue: Las Velas Houston, Las Velas, Houston Texas
Wedding Photographers in Houston
Las Velas Houston by Caffreys Photography, A Houston Weddiing Photographer
Houston wedding photography.
Michael Jackson Impersonator, Danny Dash: Danny Dash
DJ: LG Entertainment, LG Entertainment
Antique Car by Jordan Limosounies, Jordan Limousines
A Hora Loca, A hora Loca